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Stage 4 Metastatic Colon Cancer Warrior

This is my story

My Name is Kirsten Osborn and I was Diagnosed with Stage 4 Metastatic Colorectal Cancer on the 19 October 2020.


I am currently undergoing Chemotherapy under Dr Georgia Demetriou at Wits Donald Gordan. About to receive my 7th Chemo session since starting treatment in November 2020. After this 7th Chemo they will do a PET scan to determine size of tumor and weather they can operate or not.

My Grandparents on my Moms side had colon cancer so with myself, I've been very active and aware and been going for colonoscopies every 2 years throughout my 30ties. I would say I developed IBS in my 20'ties and just managed to cut out certain foods that triggered the pain.


In 2019 my specialist Gastroenterologist Dr Barry Shmeizer at Sunninghill Hospital diagnosed a cancerous pollop which he then checked 6 weeks later for clearance and had me come back for another colonoscopy in March 2020. I was absolutely clear in March 2020 and my cancer marker was 0, however By October 19th 2020 I was diagnosed with Stage 4 Metastatic Colorectal Cancer they suspect mine is a genetic mutation.


In my Family however my Mom has Bone Marrow Cancer (Multiple Myeloma) and has been managed for the past 5 years under Prof Bernardo Rapport, she is doing very well. My Mothers sister also died of Lung Cancer in her 40ties.


Cancer has plagued our family but we continue the fight. I work in the Medical Device Industry for a Multinational Company and am blessed with the support and advice that I have been given.


I think my Journey will help someone else one day too.

Thank you for all the Love and Support.

My theme that I share with everyone that knows me is "Not Today 🤺🤺🤺"


Lots of love



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23 AUGUST 2021

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